Person To Person 1

Overview of the book Person To Person 1

The book Person To Person 1 from Oxford Publishing, written by David Bicine, is published in 3 levels from basic to advanced for adults.

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The book Person To Person 1

The book Person To Person 1 from Oxford Publishing, written by David Bicine, is published in 3 levels from basic to advanced for adults. This book is Level 1, and its purpose is to strengthen the two main listening and speaking skills at the same time. The different topics of this book are written in such a way that pronunciation, conversation, listening, etc. are taught in each section, and it helps a lot to strengthen all the learner's skills and not have problems in everyday conversations.


Extra Fields Person To Person 1

Appreance Features
commercial brand : ketabli
Product size: A4
Product printing type: colorful
The paper material: Matte
Book Cover Type: Soft Cover
Quality classification: A
Content Features
Product level: Level1
Publishers : Oxford
The writer : David Bicine
Accent: American
Book language: English
Book's subject : Listening and Speaking
Edit the book: third
age category : Adult
study method : Self study
ٍExtra Features
CD : Yes
Workbook: No
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