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Summit 1A 3rd
Summit 1A 3rd
Summit 1B 3rd
Summit 1B 3rd
Summit 2A 3rd
Summit 2A 3rd
Summit 2B 3rd
Summit 2B 3rd

Summit Books

Summit books are one of the newest books that are taught at advanced levels (B2 and C1) after Top Notch books and work on conversation skills like them. These books are generally divided into two parts 1 and 2, each of which includes A and B. In the latest edition (3rd) of the different levels of the Summit book series, the content and topics for the conversation sections have been updated, more videos have been used to improve conversational skills, and periodical tests and additional exercises have been used to strengthen the learner's skills. brought You can get this series of books with good quality along with special CDs from ketabli.


Introduction of Summit books on Ketabli online website

In general, the arrangement of Summit books is as follows:

Summit 1A book
Summit 1B book
Summit 2A book
Summit 2B book
These books focus on upper intermediate-advanced levels and by having a variety of topics and different exercises and by placing the learner in different everyday situations that make him have different conversations, his special sensitivity on speaking and listening skills. and the reading and writing part of the show. At the beginning of each educational section, there are two pages as an introduction to the lesson, which prepares the learner's mind to learn the contents of that section. In addition, at the end of each section of the book, there is a page for reviewing the taught material.

The price of Summit books on Ketabli online website

You can confidently buy Summit books along with related CDs and DVDs at the most appropriate price in the market from Ketabli online website, which have the same quality as the original.

"After seeing the quality and price of other competitors, buy from Ketabli"


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