Water for Life Penguin Level 2

Water for Life Penguin Level 2 Storybook

The story book Water for Life Penguin is published by the popular Pearson publishing house and written by Bernard Smith. The interesting topic of the book Water for Life is about the most basic need of people all over the world, which because of this interesting topic has been able to find many fans among children and young people. The Water for Life story book is available in the market along with a high quality compact disc.

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Water for Life Penguin Level 2 book

The book Water for Life is published by the popular Pearson publishing house and written by Bernard Smith. The interesting topic of this book is about the most basic need of people all over the world, which because of this interesting topic has been able to find many fans in the age group of children and young people.
Books published by Penguin Readers have seven levels, from the starter level of 200 words to the advanced level of 3000 words, available to those who are interested in reading this story book model. The main purpose of this book is to strengthen reading skills and increase vocabulary of language learners.

Each page of the Water for Life Penguin Level 2 book has pictures related to a part of the story and at the end of the page new words are written with their meaning. In addition, it has exercises related to the story, which will strengthen the writing skills, learn the words accurately and record them in the long-term memory of the language learners. It also has a compact disc to improve listening skills and to familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of words with a British accent.
Water for Life is a good book that explains about water and its special importance in our human lives so that people stop wasting water and even teaches how to use this valuable blessing properly. To know more about this vital substance to...

Purchase and price of the Water for Life Penguin Level 2 book with a discount from Ketabli online website

To buy the book Water for Life, just go to Ketabli online website and order this story book with a special discount and enjoy reading it. Buying the Water for Life Penguin Level 2 book from our site can be affordable for you.

Extra Fields Water for Life Penguin Level 2

Appreance Features
commercial brand : Ketabli
Product size: A5
The paper material: Matte
Book Cover Type: soft cover
Quality classification: A
Content Features
Product level: level 2
Publishers : Penguin
Accent: British
Book language: English
Book's subject : Story
Edit the book: 1st
age category : Adults Adults
study method : Self Study
ٍExtra Features
CD : Yes
Workbook: No
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