Red Roses Bookworms Starter

Overview of Red Roses Bookworms Starter Novel

The novel Red Roses is written by Christine Lindop. This starter level book is published by Oxford Bookworms. This novel is about an eternal Greek love that turns into a red rose with the lover's tears. This self-reading novel suitable for adults is available in paperback size with the best type of printing along with a high quality CD in the market.

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Red Roses Bookworms Starter

The novel Red Roses is written by Christine Lindop. This starter level book is published by Oxford Bookworms. This award-winning collection is adapted from classic literature.
The Bookworms series has 7 levels from starter to 6, which have stories with diverse and interesting topics that can quickly attract the reader's attention and engage their minds, so that the reader cannot stop reading the novel while The fun of their skills such as comprehension and reading will increase.

A summary of the novel Red Roses

The red rose, which is related to Greek mythology, is actually related to Aphrodite, the goddess of love. It is believed that when Aphrodite encountered her lover Adonis, who had been wounded by a wild boar, a mixture of her tears and his blood formed a beautiful red rose bush when it fell to the ground and...

Red Roses Bookworms Starter novel feature

Stories leveled from basic to advanced
It has a compact disc to improve listening skills and familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of words with a British accent
Raising the level of the reader's vocabulary knowledge with classified words
Increase the reader's confidence for everyday speaking
Pictures related to the story to communicate with the characters and record the words in the memory
Activities and exercises for better learning
Learning how to pronounce words with sound


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Extra Fields Red Roses Bookworms Starter

Appreance Features
commercial brand : Ketabli
Product size: A5
The paper material: glossy
Book Cover Type: soft cover
Quality classification: A
Content Features
Product level: Starter
Publishers : Oxford
The writer : Christine Lindop
Accent: British
Book language: English
Book's subject : Story
Edit the book: 1st
age category : Adults
study method : Self Study
ٍExtra Features
CD : Yes
Workbook: No
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