Beeno 5

Overview of Beeno 5 book

Beeno 5 book is a product for teaching English to young children. With fun activities and colorful and beautiful pictures, this book fascinates children and makes them eager to learn more. In addition to all this, along with the main book, you will also receive a workbook and a CD, which are intended for children to learn as much as possible.

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The book Beeno 5

Beeno 5 book is a product for teaching English to young children. This Beeno 5 book tries to make language learning easier for kindergarteners by using fun activities and lovable characters. This book includes educational CD, workbook and student book. In addition, this book has 6 levels that you can easily buy all 6 levels by visiting the Ketabli site.

Buy and price of Beeno 5 book with discount from Ketabli online website

To buy this attractive and useful book, you can go to Ketabali website to buy it with an exceptional discount and excellent print quality.

Extra Fields Beeno 5

Appreance Features
commercial brand : Ketabli
Product size: A4
The paper material: Matte
ٍExtra Features
CD : Yes
Workbook: Yes
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