American Family and Friends 2 2nd

Overview of the book American Family and Friends 2 2nd

The book American Family and Friends 2 2nd is published to teach English to teenagers aged 6 to 12. This book includes the basic level that encourages the beginner to learn by using various and attractive photos. It should be noted that this collection has attracted the attention of language learners in terms of knowledge of sound and echo, specific tests and exercises to determine the level of the language learner and full support of the teacher and parents.

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American Family and Friends 2nd

The book American Family and Friends 2 2nd has a great mastery in teaching all the English alphabets for children and teenagers. This book is after the starter level of the third series of Family and Friends books. American Family and Friends 2nd edition book emphasizes more on teaching through physical method and is very enjoyable for children by using a wide variety of topics and printing type of product. This book contains 15 lessons, in each lesson it tries to familiarize children with their surroundings and also teaches them how to pronounce words easily using an audio CD. It is interesting to know that this collection also includes a workbook.

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If you are thinking of learning English for your children, we recommend the book American Family and Friends 2nd Edition, and you can visit the Ketabli online website to buy this book with the best quality and price as soon as possible. Receive it.

Extra Fields American Family and Friends 2 2nd

Appreance Features
commercial brand : Ketabli
Product size: A4
Product printing type: Colorful
The paper material: Matte
Book Cover Type: Soft
Quality classification: A
Content Features
Product level: Pre-Intermediate
Publishers : Oxford
Accent: American
Book language: English
Book's subject : All Skills
Edit the book: 2nd
age category : Kids/Teenager
study method : Teacher Base
ٍExtra Features
CD : Yes
Workbook: Yes
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