Eat Pray Love

Overview of the novel Eat Pray Love

Eat, Pray, Love is a 2006 memoir by American writer Elizabeth Gilbert. The book Eat Pray Love has been on the New York Times bestseller list for several months. The novel Eat Pray Love describes the memories of the author's trip around the world after the divorce and what he discovered during his travels. This self-reading novel is suitable for adults.

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The novel Eat Pray Love

Eat, Pray, Love is a 2006 memoir by American writer Elizabeth Gilbert. This book has been on the New York Times bestseller list for several months, and in addition, a movie with the same theme was released in 2010, which was very popular. The book covers her life after eating, praying, making love, plus exploring the concept of marriage.

Summary of the novel Eat Pray Love

At 34, Elizabeth Gilbert had an education, a home, a husband and a successful career as a writer. However, she was unhappy with her marriage and divorced. He got into a rebound relationship again that didn't work out and left him hot and alone. After finalizing her difficult divorce, Gilbert decided to travel the world next year. He went to his own publisher to get funding to write a memoir about his travels, which he described as a stunning personal miracle. He spent four months in Italy, ate and enjoyed life, and spent the next three months in India, and the story of his life change began from here...

Features of the novel Food, Prayer, Love:
In addition to strengthening reading skills and increasing the necessary vocabulary, it makes the reader learn to make different and meaningful sentences and phrases. In addition, reading these novels provides the reader with useful tips for a better and purposeful life, which are very valuable in everyday life. I must say that this novel is suitable for adults and self-readers.

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Extra Fields Eat Pray Love

Appreance Features
commercial brand : Ketabli
Product size: A5
The paper material: Bulky
Book Cover Type: Soft
Quality classification: A
Content Features
Publishers : Entertainment plan
Book language: English
Book's subject : Reading
Edit the book: 1st
age category : Adults
study method : Self Study
ٍExtra Features
CD : No
Workbook: No
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