American Family and Friends 3 2nd

Overview of the book American Family and Friends 3 2nd

A series of books with student-centered content, this textbook is designed with engaging stories that are relatable to young language learners, featuring characters and situations that young students may encounter in their everyday lives.

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American Family and Friends 3 2nd

The American Family and Friends 3 2nd book is the fourth in the American Family and Friends series, published by Oxford Publishing with an American accent. The book American Family and Friends 3, second edition, focuses on teaching words and short phrases to teenagers aged 6 to 12 years. This book multiplies the student's interest in learning by using images and variety in colors. This product consists of 15 lessons, in each lesson, children try to familiarize themselves with their surroundings and be able to talk to others in English, and it also teaches them how to pronounce words easily using an audio CD. . It is interesting to know that this collection also includes a workbook.

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Dear parents who are trying to learn English for their children and teenagers, we suggest you the American Family and Friends 3 2nd book. You can go to Ketabli website and buy the above book at the best quality and at a cheaper price than anywhere else.

Extra Fields American Family and Friends 3 2nd

Appreance Features
commercial brand : Ketabli
Product size: A4
Product printing type: Colorful
The paper material: Matte
Book Cover Type: Soft
Quality classification: A
Content Features
Product level: Intermediate
Publishers : Oxford
Accent: American
Book language: English
Book's subject : All Skills
Edit the book: 2nd
age category : Adults
study method : Teacher Base
ٍExtra Features
CD : Yes
Workbook: Yes
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